22 August 2012

BRAVO magazine

Alexey did a photoshooting and interview for Russian BRAVO magazine.


21 August 2012

Deffchonki season 2 backstage

Pictures are from the Instagram accounts of Alexey (AlexeySparrow), PolinaMax, TaisyiaVilkova, Tananovv and VorobyovINFO on Twitter.

16 August 2012

Deffchonki season 2

Alex is quite busy shooting/finishing several movie/tv-series the next weeks:
  • Сокровища озера Кабан/Treasure of the lake Kaban
  • I Calcianti
  • Три Мушкетера/Three Musketeers
  • Деффчонки/Deffchonki season 2
 watch the first Season of Deffchonki > http://deffchonki.tnt-online.ru/
Deffchonki screentest - August 2012

 ...and at the beginning of October Alex goes back to Los Angeles to finish the English album.

What's next?! ;-)

13 August 2012

09 August 2012

Alexey on Instagram

Feel free to follow Alexey on Instagram. If you have no account there, you still can see his pictures:

06 August 2012

New mini-series "Три Мушкетёра/Three Musketeers"

Alexey is now shooting a Russian remake of the "Three Musketeers/Три Мушкетёра" in Vyborg near St. Petersburg. It's a mini-series and Alexey plays "Lord de Winter".

05 August 2012

Alexey in Poland

Yesterday Alexey performed at the "Festiwal Piosenki Rosyjskiej" in Zielona Góra/Poland the songs Kalinka, a Rock'n'Roll medley and Get You. What can I say, Alex was the highlight of the show, was a real pleasure to see him on stage. 

Watch the video (!):

 (I added this video to the best of videos 2 section)